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Volodymyr Viatrovych

Historian, publicist


Head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory (since April 2014). Received his "Candidate of Sciences" degree (Soviet and post-Soviet equivalent of a Ph.D.) in History in 2004 from Lviv University (dissertation title: "Ukrainian Insurgent Army's Raids Abroad in the Context of Realization of the Anti-Totalitarian National-Democratic Revolution of the Peoples in Central-East Europe"). Served as Director of the Center for Research of Liberation Movement in Lviv (2002-2008) and as Director of the Archives of the Security Service of Ukraine (2008-2010). In 2010-2011 - Research Fellow at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University. Book publications include Reidy UPA terenamy Chekhoslovachchyny [UPA's Raids in Czechoslovakia] (2001), Stavlennia OUN do ievreïv [Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists' Attitude Towards Jews] (2006), and Druha pol's'ko-ukraïns'ka viyna [Second Polish-Ukrainian War] (2011; 2012). Latest book publication: Istoriya z hryfom "Sekretno" [History under the Label "Top Secret"] (2011; 2012; 2013; 2014).  

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